Church Organization

The church is governed by a group of elders, men who have satisfied the requirements set forth in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1:5-9. Deacons are to meet the same requirements but usually assume more of the laborious aspects of the operation of the church and less of the governance. The Board of Elders employs a minister(s), a man who must meet the same requirements as elder and who also can teach, lead and organize instruction for the growth of the church. Church members are believers who have made the Confession of Faith, been baptized, and seek to forward the church through regular attendance and growth through study. The congregation is made up of the regular church attendees and visitors who may not be members of the church. Membership is open to all Christians. Anyone who has made the Confession of Faith and been baptized may ask the elders to move their membership to the local church. Church membership is granted immediately upon the Confession of Faith and baptism of new Christians. Communion is provided for all Christians regardless of membership status. Collection is taken weekly with opportunities during Sunday School and regular morning worship services for attendees to give freely. (Luke 6:38, Matthew 6:2-4, 1 John 3:16-18)